10 Large-scale Carbon Sink Bases in Changqing Oilfield

Changqing Oilfield operates in five provinces (autonomous regions): Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi. About 70% of its oil and gas areas are located in the deserts and sparsely populated mountains, where, with a fragile ecological environment, environmental protection is essential. Following the concept of "improving the local environment whenever building an oilfield", Changqing Oilfield invests tens of millions of RMB each year in establishing and maintaining large scale carbon emission reduction bases and restoring vegetation on abandoned well fields and roads in the well area. In most areas of the oil and gas area, a green landscape featuring green belts along the road and lawns at the station has taken shape.

Over the past decade, Changqing Oilfield has created about 3 million square meters of green land and planted more than 250,000 trees every year. As of late 2017, 10 large carbon sink bases had been built. It is estimated that the 66,667 hectares of carbon sinks established by Changqing Oilfield in Qingyang, Gansu Province alone can absorb more than 2.3 million tons of carbon dioxide every year, which will play an important role in local environmental protection and ecological restoration with the ability to release more than 1.7 million tons of oxygen for sequestration and carbon reduction.
