9:00–9:50 | 1.Can attention raise cost of debt: evidence from automatic earthquake rapid report system in China. 报告人:彭俞超,中央财经大学 |
9:50–10:40 | 2.FTA战略、贸易边际与贸易福利效 报告人:杨勇,永利集团3044官网欢迎您 |
10:40–10:50 | 休息 |
10:50–11:40 | 3.数字经济、家庭分工与性别平等 报告人:张勋,北京师范大学 |
11:40–14:30 | 午餐 |
14:30–15:20 | 4.The Art of Not Being Chocked: Environmental Awareness, Vote with Feet, and Land Finance in China 报告人:梁平汉,中山大学 |
15:20–16:10 | 5.Co-benefits of Climate Mitigation: Evidence from Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China 报告人:万攀兵,永利集团3044官网欢迎您 |
个人简介:彭俞超,中央财经大学金融学院副教授,丝路金融研究中心(教育部国别与区域研究基地)执行主任、金融学院学术交流部主任、金融科技系书记,全国金融系统青年联合会第三届委员会委员(金融科技界别)。2016年博士毕业于中央财经大学金融学院,2010年、2009年分别从法国鲁昂高商、永利集团3044官网欢迎您获得硕士、学士学位。曾任英国杜伦大学商学院访问学者。主要研究方向为宏观经济学、银行与公司金融。近年来,在《经济研究》(4篇)、《世界经济》(2篇)、《经济学(季刊)》(2篇)、《Journal of Development Economics》、《Journal of Money, Credit and Banking》《Journal of International Money and Finance》、《Journal of Business Ethics》等国内外权威期刊发表(接受)论文40篇余篇,主持国家自然科学基金1项,参加国家级课题10余项。共同主编出版教材《金融科技学》、主持中国大学MOOC《大数据与金融》在线课程、参与建设获批国家本科一流虚拟仿真实验课程,参与出版金融科技日文教材等。
题目:Can attention raise cost of debt: evidence from automatic earthquake rapid report system in China.
摘要:This paper adopts (Bunching-) difference-in-difference (DID) approach and geographic regression discontinuity design (RDD) to investigate the impact of attention of earthquake risk on firms’cost of debt. China launched automatic earthquake rapid report system (AQR) in 2013, which raised investors’awareness on seismic information. We find that after AQR was released, the corporate firms located in the earthquake zone experienced an increase in cost of debt compared to firms outside the earthquake zone. Furthermore, the effect is more pounced for firms located within some distance of the center of an earthquake zone , compared to firms located just in the center of an earthquake zone. By evaluating the economic impact of the real earthquake on the company and banks, we found that the actual occurrence of the earthquake neither lead to a rise in the rate of non-performing loans of banks nor a significant change in the distance of corporate defaults. We argue that the increase in the cost of corporate debt is due to an overreaction of the availability heuristics of bank operators.
个人简介:张勋,北京师范大学统计学院金融统计系副教授,博士生导师,目前主要研究领域为国民经济核算、发展经济学、教育经济学和数字金融。在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学》(季刊)、《世界经济》、《统计研究》、《金融研究》以及China Economic Review和World Economy等期刊发表论文五十余篇。作为负责人曾先后主持承担国家自然科学基金项目(2项)、国家社科基金重大项目子课题、全国统计科学研究重点项目、北京市教育科学“十三五”规划重点课题和中国博士后科学基金特别和面上项目等多项国家级和省部级课题。曾获得的奖项包括中国农村发展研究奖、湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖、数字金融开放研究尖峰奖、商务发展研究成果奖、国际消费金融学会最佳论文奖和中国人民银行重点研究课题三等奖等。他还(曾)担任北京大学数字金融研究中心特约高级研究员、国务院发展研究中心宏观经济研究部访问学者、亚洲开发银行咨询专家和中国金融四十人论坛青年论坛正式成员等多项学术职务。
个人简介:梁平汉,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院教授,博士生导师。主要研究地方政府行为、博弈论、行为与实验经济学。在Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Comparative Economics, China Economic Review,《经济研究》,《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》、《中国工业经济》等期刊发表论文四十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金两项,国家社科重大课题子课题两项,曾获霍英东基金会高等院校青年教师奖,教育部第八届高等学校科学研究优秀成果(人文社科类)青年成果奖等表彰。
题目:The Art of Not Being Chocked: Environmental Awareness, Vote with Feet, and Land Finance in China
摘要:This paper investigates the impact of air pollution on local government fiscal situation in China. The classical Tiebout theory suggests that local residents preference for clean air would affect local public finance. We exploit a natural experiment, the unexpectedly release of the environmental documentary Under the Dome in early 2015. We show that the public environmental awareness exogenously increases immediately after the release of this film. We use the popularity of the filmmaker in 2011, measured by the internet search volume of her in a city, to proxy for the city-level exposure to the film. The continuous difference-in-difference analysis shows that after the release of the film, a city with 10% higher exposure to the film has a 0.08% decrease in land leasing revenue for the government. The size and number of land leased also reduces. We also use the minimal distance from the city to the birthplace and first workplace of the filmmaker as the Instrumental variable for the exposure to the film. Furthermore, we show that the local internet search volume for house prices in cleaner cities significantly increase as the release of film, and local government also raises environmental investment.
题目:Co-benefits of Climate Mitigation: Evidence from Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China