据悉,本年度学校社会科学学部一等奖共15名,永利官网获奖3名,占比达五分之一。近年来,学院研究生学术创新奖屡获佳绩,获特等奖2次, 2022-2024年连续三年各有3位博士研究生荣获一等奖,获奖人数在人文社科领域名列前茅。
排序 | 姓名 | 导师姓名 | 获奖等级 | 学术论文情况 | |
论文题名 | 期刊名 | ||||
1 | 肖雅慧 | 侯成琪 | 一等奖 | 投入产出网络与通货膨胀传导 | 经济研究 |
2 | 吕林祥 | 黄敏学 | 一等奖 | Minor flaws are better: the positive effect of aesthetic imperfection about avatar endorsers on brand authenticity | Journal of Business Research |
3 | 刘洋 | 王先甲 | 一等奖 | Evaluating Digital Health Services Quality via Social Media | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management |
1 | 龚同 | 张天顶 | 二等奖 | “数字鸿沟”对RTA数字贸易规则网络发展的影响:从“信息鸿沟”到治理壁垒 | 中国工业经济 |
区域贸易协定数字贸易规则如何影响数字服务增加值贸易——基于规则网络结构权力的研究 | 国际贸易问题 | ||||
2 | 吴美 | 寿志钢 | 二等奖 | 信息流广告的原生性策略研究——背景信息效价与广告时间框架如何影响广告效果 | 南开管理评论 |
基于解释水平理论的直播间活跃度和产品信息诉求的匹配效应研究 | 管理学报 | ||||
3 | 屠雪永 | 李斌 | 二等奖 | 基于机器学习和资产特征的投资组合选择研究 | 系统工程理论与实践 |
Robust portfolio selection with smart return prediction | Economic Modelling | ||||
4 | 韩林昊 | 汪涛 | 二等奖 | The effect of cultural differences on the relationship between contract governance and opportunism | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING |
The influence of service provider's role overload on value co-creation behavior in the sharing economy: a mediated moderation model | JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN INTERACTIVE MARKETING | ||||
5 | 卢洁宜 | 宋敏 | 二等奖 | 中国特色交通基础设施建设:高铁、知识溢出与区域创新协调发展 | 金融研究 |
Investor-Paid Rating Agency, Information Disclosure, and Stock Price Crash Risk | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade | ||||
6 | 何若帆 | 杨冕 | 二等奖 | The Transfer of Provincial Officials and Electricity Transactions in China | Public Choice |
The Role of Information Industry Convergence in Energy Transition | Journal of Environmental Management | ||||
7 | 杨茜 | 戴宾 | 二等奖 | Supplier encroachment strategies in a retail platform with strategic inventory | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review |
二等奖 | Channel Expansion Strategies in the Presence of Asymmetric Competitive Retail Platforms | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT | |||
8 | 刘萧萧 | 钟水映、杨冕 | 二等奖 | 数字基础设施建设能促进劳动力就业吗?——来自“宽带中国”试点政策的证据 | 系统工程理论与实践 |
How does renewable energy consumption affect carbon emission intensity? Temporal-spatial impact analysis in China | Energy | ||||
9 | 黄睿 | 黄敏学 | 二等奖 | Absence makes the heart grow fonder: The interactive effect of crowding information and spatial distance on consumers' patronage intention | JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH |
10 | 沈会 | 许明辉 | 二等奖 | 基于消费者时间偏好与产品质量信息更新的动态定价研究 | 系统工程理论与实践 |
11 | 李琪辉 | 罗知 | 二等奖 | 企业金融化的就业效应:是促进还是抑制? | 国际金融研究 |
“一带一路”倡议十周年:国际研究现状与展望 | 经济学动态 | ||||
12 | 郭逸鸿 | 曾伏娥 | 二等奖 | AI-orientation and company climate action: The moderating role of dependency structure and innovation capability | Industrial Marketing Management |
13 | 周颖 | 卫武 | 二等奖 | Learning to integrate conflicts: Paradoxical leadership fosters team innovation | Journal of Business Research |
14 | 周强 | 邓新明 | 二等奖 | 明修栈道, 暗渡陈仓——多市场接触, 寻租与企业绩效研究 | 系统工程理论与实践 |
15 | 雷印如 | 李斌 | 二等奖 | 美联储货币政策溢出、央行预期管理与中国资产价格 | 世界经济 |
16 | 张浩天 | 卢盛峰 | 二等奖 | 政府距离与基层公共服务供给——来自地方政府驻地迁移的证据 | 财政研究 |
政府邻近、公共投资与县域经济发展 | 数量经济技术经济研究 | ||||
17 | 李贺 | 方德斌 | 二等奖 | Retail competition among multi-type retail electric providers in social networks | Energy Economics |
Differentiated pricing for the retail electricity provider optimizing demand response to renewable energy fluctuations | Energy Economics | ||||
18 | 陶鹏 | 龚锋 | 二等奖 | Tax competition among local governments: Evidence from the spillovers of location-based tax incentives in China | China Economic Review |
19 | 杜玉文 | 戴宾 | 二等奖 | Implications of unobservable promotion on distribution channel strategies in a retail platform | Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review |
考虑顾客转移的供应商侵入策略 | 管理学报 |