CNPC > About CNPC > Our Businesses > Unconventional Hydrocarbon and New Energy

Unconventional Hydrocarbon and New Energy

Development and utilization of new energy is an important approach to cope with energy and environment challenges and to facilitate sustainable development. CNPC regards new energy as strategically essential in terms of solving future energy problems. Meanwhile, we are exploring the possibility of using unconventional oil & gas resources as a substitute for or supplement to conventional resources, thus enabling the efficient supply of hydrocarbon energy.

As a sponsor of and participant in the China International Science and Technology Cooperation Program on New and Renewable Energy, CNPC has established an R&D system for new energy technology and provide energy in a cleaner, safer and more economical way through importing technologies and independent R&D activities.

CNPC's new energy operations generally include CBM (coalbed methane), oil shale, shale gas, oil sands and other unconventional energies, as well as renewable energies such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal energy.