丨Message from the Chairman
丨President’s Report

In face of the severe impact and various challenges in 2020 brought by the onslaught of COVID-19 globally, the plummeted international oil price and the drastic shrink of domestic refined products market, the company showed firm resolve in implementing the decisions made by the central government and the requirements of the Board. We promoted coordinated advancement in epidemic prevention and control, work and production resumption, business operation, as well as reform and innovation. We vigorously improved quality and efficiency, effectively put epidemic under control and ensured profitmaking. We showed strong resilience with operation along the whole value chain remained stable and performance better than expected, accomplishing the tasks under the thirteenth-five-year plan...

2020 has been an extraordinary and extremely challenging year for CNPC. From the once-in-a-century COVID-19 pandemic to the deep global economic recession, and to the most dramatic oil price collapse in the petroleum history over a hundred years, we were faced with mounting risks and challenges rising abruptly and various contradictions colliding each other. In the midst of changes and challenges, the board and top management of the company showed firm resolve in implementing the important instructions of Chinese President Xi Jinping as well as the decisions and guidance of the State Council, pooled companywide efforts and wisdom, employed unusual measures in the unusual time, and delivered exceptional performance with utmost diligence. We accomplished the 13th Five-Year Plan with great success, which went down in the history of CNPC as a chapter of grandeur...

丨Operation Highlights
丨Key Topics
An Overview of the 13th Five-Year Plan Period
Fighting COVID-19 – CNPC in Action
The year 2020 has witnessed the successful ending of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020). In the past five years, we have achieved remarkable results in various areas such as green and low-carbon development, corporate governance, technological innovation and business transformation, E&P efforts, opening-up and cooperation, and poverty alleviation...
In face of the COVID-19 onslaught in the beginning of 2020, we set up the CNPC Leading Group of Epidemic Prevention and Control immediately after the outbreak to work with the government, employees, business partners, local communities and customers to fight against the pandemic efficiently and persistently...

丨Annual Business Review
Focusing on market orientation and economic returns, the company continues to optimize production organization and resource allocation, promote integrated and coordinated operation on oil and gas production, refining, marketing and trade activities, improve international operation performance and bolster market competitiveness in supporting business...

Exploration and Production
Natural Gas Sales
Refining and Chemicals
Marketing and Sales

Overseas Oil and Gas Operations
International Trade
Supporting Business

丨2020 Industry Review

In 2020, the global economy tumbled into severe recession due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, frequent extreme natural disasters and unilateral trade protectionism. The energy industry was hit hard. The petroleum and petrochemical sector, being badly affected, experienced the darkest of moments. Looking ahead, with challenges there come opportunities. The oil and gas industry will remain resilient while navigating through the tough times...

Financial Statements

Corporate Governance

Major Events

China National Petroleum Corporation