I feel very pleased to present CNPC Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2019. The year 2019 was an extraordinary year. As a result, we achieved better-than-expected business performance and a solid step toward a world-class integrated international energy company.

In China, our newly added proven oil in place totaled 836.6 million tons, and newly added proven gas in place reached 1.2399 trillion cubic meters.

CNPC registered total assets of RMB 4.23574 trillion.

CNPC was awarded a first-prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award for a project led by our Group, as well as a China Patent Gold Award and a Silver Award.

Our domestic marketing volume of refinded products was 119.594 million tons.

We have a total of 1.4195 million employees, and more than 84.92% of our overseas employees are local hires.

Domestic and overseas oil and gas production amounted to 300.792 million tons of oil and gas equivalent.

Our overseas oil and gas operations in 35 countries and regions yielded an equity production of 104.363 million tons of oil and gas equivalent.

Our energy savings amounted to 820,000 tons of standard coal,10.84 million cubic meters of water, and 1,247 hectares of land.

We invested RMB 850 million in public welfare undertakings globally, benefiting hundreds of millions of people.

● Energy and Future
● Technology and Innovation
● Clean Energy
● Energy Cooperation

It is CNPC’s responsibility and mission to meet energy challenges and satisfy the ever increasing demand for low-carbon clean energy. To this end, we have enhanced technological innovation, laid a solid resource basis, continued to increase our efficiency in hydrocarbon development and utilization, and raised the proportion of clean energy such as natural gas in our energy supply, in order to make contributions to the construction of a stable, safe, clean and economical energy supply system and the prosperity of human society.

We are always committed to the principle of "people-centered, quality foremost, safety first, environment prioritized" to achieve "zero defects, zero injuries and zero pollution”. We regard providing clean energy, minimizing environmental impact and reducing emissions as the strategic foundation for the Company’s sustainable development. The Company continues to improve the quality management of product and service, and promote safe, environmentally-friendly and resource-saving operations, in order to promote the construction of an ecological civilization and develop a resource-saving and environmentally-friendly enterprise.

● Safe Operation
● Environmental Protection
● Climate Change
● Products and Service
● Supply Chain Management

● Employees’ Rights and Interests
● Career Development Platform
● Local Hiring and Diversity
● Physical and Psychological Health
● Caring for Employees

Employees are our most valuable resource and asset, and the Company’s development and success are attributed to the joint efforts of all our employees. Upholding the people-oriented concept, we attach great importance to protecting employees’ legal rights and interests, build an effective platform for employees to develop, and promote employee localization and diversifcation. We care about the physical and psychological health and life of our staff, to make all employees benefit from our achievements and realize the common development of both our Company and employees.

We always adhere to combining our business growth with sustainable development of the host countries in which we operate. We aim to become an outstanding business enterprise in the host country by attaching importance to people's livelihood and social progress, sharing development opportunities and resources with the local community, participating actively in the development of local communities and promoting harmonious economic and social development.

● Targeted Poverty Alleviation
● Supporting Education
● Promotion Local Development
● Cultural Civilization
● Contributions to the Development of Overseas Communities

Corporate Governance

Sustainable Development

Communication with Stakeholders

CNPC has built and continuously perfected the legal person governance structure with clearly defined rights and responsibilities among the board of directors and senior executives.

At CNPC, we regard it as a fundamental task to establish and improve the social responsibility management mechanism for advancing responsible management.

We adhere to the principles of honesty, interaction and equality, and actively establish and improve the mechanism of stakeholder participation.


China National Petroleum Corporation